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The new File-Trashcan for the AMIGA-Workbench
requires OS 2.0 or higher
Harddrive or at least a second diskdrive is recommended!
With OS 2.1 or higher the locale.library is supported
NewTrashcan lets you see WB's ordinary Trashcan from a totally
different side.
If the Trashcan was treat neclegted upto this time, so this will
change now, with NewTrashcan!
What will change?
NewTrashcan will install after starting a so-called
CommoditiesHandler. It 'supervises' then all activities from the user.
Don't panic, this supervising concentrates itself only on the
activities on the workbench.
If this handler is installed, each disk-change and every icon put into
the trashcan will be recognized. Intern to each throw-away-file the
date will be noted down. Is a file stored long enough in the trashcan,
it will be deleted.
To the program:
NewTrashcan is divided up in two parts, the described handler, which
runs as an commodity, so it can be stopped or removed with 'Exchange'
(but I don't see a reason why....).
The second part is the accompanying preferences-program, where you can
enter the disks to supervise and the time, how long a file will be
stored before deleting.
First contacts/installing:
To use NewTrashcan it have to be installed. That's very easy via the
Install-file in the program-archive. Just choose the file in your
prefered language. Harddisk-users can, if they booted normally, start
the program immediately, otherwise just boot again with their
For disk-users it is a little bit more difficult, and 1-drive-users
should not use NewTrashcan, because it refers the bootdisk very often.
So the 2-or-more-drive-users should have the bootdisk in one of their
drives (later more). To install it, just boot from your most-used
disk. But on this drive there must be at least a free space from 65kB,
or better more, because the whole program-data, that grows with every
new supervised disk, is stored on your boot-device. If there is enough
space, you can start the install-program.
During the installation the two programs will be copied in the
belonging drawers on the boot-disk/partition. This is the WBStartup
for the handler and the Prefs-drawer for the preferences-program. With
the next booting the program will be implemented in your system. To
start it now, just double-click the handler in your WBStartup.
Additional to this the locale-data will be copied into the logical
device LOCALE: (if exists), which contains the language-files.
How to install his own NewTrashcan:
If the program is installed and started (a new boot or start the
handler by hand) the first thing you should do is to start the
preferences-tool, otherwise NewTrashcan does definitely nothing!
If the preferences-tool is started a window is opened with different
switches and lists (by the way they're all 'font-sensitive', that
means they will change their size to fit to the actual system-font)
and pull-down-menues. But before I describe them in all details I'll
explain you the scope of the preferences-program:
Here you can choose the disks/partitions to supervise. If one of the
named disks will be inserted now, NewTrashcan checks out for files,
which are longer than the defined time stored in the disks trashcan
and deletes them. Also each file will be noticed that is put into the
trashcan (incl. the date).
But you as user don't have to install these very complicated
structures (this would be realy silly), because YOU have that
The Preference-Program
As told, this program opens a window with the following switches and
their functions:
In the upper fifth part (well, +/-) you can edit the global settings
for the handler. In the actual version of this program, there are
'only' checkbox-gadgets, that are on/off-switches.
SAFETY REQUESTER: When this function is active you will be asked if
this file should be realy deleted. Then you can
enter either to
- delete this file
- delete all files
- not to delete this file or
- delete no file.
But in the long run this requester can be very
annoying, that's why you can turn this requester
off (if you trust in this program ;-).
NOTE DEL-PROTECT: Each file can be delete-protected. But who takes
care, especially on the workbench, if man puts a
File into trashcan? Only DOS! Is this function is
active, NewTrashcan also takes care of it,
otherwise - DELETE FILE!! The danger in this
function is, that there will be files deleted you
never wanted to.
WB-TOOLS MENU: Is this function active, the handler will also appear
in the WB's Tools-Menu, but therefor the handler has
to be restarted, so don't be surprised if nothing
happens immediately. If you select this menupoint
later, all selected icons will be moved into the
trashcan. But this disk have to be known by
Trashcan, otherwise it won't work. The only problem
is, that the workbench don't realize this move, and
the icons are displayed still in their old windows.
But don't panic, an update via Workbench-menue shows
the changes. Maybe a further WB-release will realize
this things automatically.
WAIT EXACT: Is this function is active, not just the date will be
noted down for files put into the trashcan, even the
time of this action will be stored. If a file is
stored long enough in the trashcan it will be deleted
as soon after 0.00 o'clock as possible, if this
function is deactivated. Otherwise, the file will be
deleted as soon after the time it was put into the
Below these 4 small and damn long to explain functions is this part,
where NewTrashcan becomes familiar with the disks (well, with disks I
also mean here and in future Harddrives). ("My name is Partition,
On the left you can see all disks known to NewTrashcan, well, after
the first start, after the installation, there is quiet nothing....
To the right is the button 'Sort list', which sorts the list of disks
an an alphabetical order. Below you can enter the number of days a
file should be stored on the highlighted disk. If you enter 0 (that
means: sero), a file is deleted immediately, if it is put into the
Below this list there are three further buttons (ok ok, there are six,
but the other three buttons will be explained later, because they have
nothing to do with the disk-list):
ADD: Picks up a new disk in the list. Therefor a new window opens
with all at this moment to the system known disks. So if you
want to enter a new disk to the list, this disk have to be
entered in one of your drives. But before the preference
inserts a disk in its list of 'VID' (Very Important Disks)
it examines the disk for a trashcan. Don't panic, NewTrashcan
realizes also renamed trashcans (like 'garbage' or 'trash'),
because it don't looks out for the names, but for the icon's
CHANGE: If you for exapmle changed the name of a disk or the
trashcan, so you can change these things also in the list.
Therefor the disk-list-window appears again.
REMOVE: Removes the highlighted disk without any request from the
Before I come to the 3 last buttons the remark, that this window is an
AppWindow, that means you can put an icon from the Workbench into the
NewTrashcan-Window. Convientally this should be disk-icons, which will
be implemented in the VID-list, if a trashcan on this disk exists. You
can also take drawers instead of the disk-icon or the trashcan itself,
it will have the same effect. Only file-icons will not be accepted.
Yes, ok, sound a little bit silly, but a file has nothing to do with
the preference-program, and a drawer is a division of the disk....
The last three buttons:
SAVE: Saves the settings and the disk-list, well, for the further
starts of NewTrashcan. Quits the preference-program.
USE: The settings and the list are not saved, but will be used by
the handler. This function is only usefull, if global setting
changes are performed, but was implemented, because this
function has to be in a preference-program. The preference-
program quits.
CANCEL: Quits the preference-program without saving or using the
changes. This will also be done when clicking on the
close-gadget of the window!
The Pull-Down-Menus:
Because NewTrashcan is not a typical preference-program, I did'n
implement all typical pull-down-menus.
The Project-Menu:
ABOUT: Opens a small window with program-infos, Copyright, my adress,
QUIT: Quits the program like the CANCEL-Button.
The Edit-Menu:
LAST SAVED: Loads the last saved settings.
RESTORE: Uses the settings actual by program-start.
CLEAR LIST: Deletes, without request, the Disk-List (VID).
That's all folks!
Some interna about the handler:
As said, the handler is an Commodity, it can be stoped by the
'Exchange'-programm on your workbench.
In addition to that you can define some things via Tool-Types:
'CX_PRIORITY=': here you can enter the priority of the commodity,
default is 0.
'PRIORITY=': here you can enter the priority of the handler , default
is 0, sometimes -1 is useful, bur don't enter values over 10 or under
-5, this is senseless or even dangerous for the system (e.g. with
higher values than the workbench- or the second task).
'DELAY': If this tool-type is set, the handler waits after its start
five seconds, until it checks the inserted disks and deletes files.
This is convenient, if you under OS-3.0 (or OS2.0 with e.g. NICKPREFS)
put a IFF-Picture in your WB-Background, which has to be loaded. But
more accesses to a disk or a harddrive a time reduces the performance,
so you can let NewTrashcan wait, until it starts with its work.
To regognize the movement of files into the trashcan, the handler has
to patch the DOS-function RENAME. Every renaming or moving of a file
now runs over this patch. This patch will report the new name to the
handler which it will call the normal RENAME-function. Well, it
doesn't inform the handler directly, the data will be sent to a
further task which will tell the things to the handler. This task runs
with a priority of 100, and not without a reason: If the patch sends a
message (a report about a RENAME-call), it has to be answered to this
mail, too. But the patch don't have enough time to wait for the
handler, because it may scan an other Trashcan-directory or delete
something. The further task, which will be started immediately after
sending the information, gets the message, copies it so the patch can
go on, sends now the copy to the handler and waits with any loss of
time for the user for the reply. The handler now examines the name
given to the RENAME-function for a known disk and a known trashcan
directory. If this examination was successful, the correspondending
trashcan-directory will be read in, new files are stored with the
actual date in the filelist. Because this filelist is stored in
ENVARC: the bootdisk must be available by disk-systems.
Unfortunately this patch doesn't comply with the commodore
guidinglines, but there is no other way to control moving of files,
because the DOS-function NOTIFY only realizes the creation or changing
of a file.
The program runs under OS-3.0 and has been tested successfully under
OS-2.0. Under 2.1 or up the locale.library is supported to display
texts in different languages
Copyright, PD-Info, the author:
Both programs are written with KICK-Pascal 2.0 (MAXON-Computer)!
Both programs are FREEWARE, together in one paket they could be copied
freely. The copyright is however by the author, any changes on the
program or its using for other purposes or comercial selling is
strictly forbidden. There is no liability or responsibility by the
author for damages caused by NewTrashcan.
This program can be spreaded via electronic or verbatim way and it is
even welcome to make the comfort of the program accessible to
everyone. The price for a PD-disk may not be higher than 6,- DM!
Should there be an interest on versions of Newtrashcan in other
languages, so I can gladly create further catalog-files and add them.
The translations have to be sent together with the german originals
(even for the installation). If required, man can receive a special
catalog-file, where the translation have to be inserted.
To this time (22/06/1993) are following languages are available, where
german is the built-in-language and it will appear in systems with no
- Deutsch
- English
If man uses the program or is interested in non-german version, can
reach my via snailmail/E-Mail:
My Snail-Adress:
Juergen Schmitz
Bergstraße 82
D-56859 Bullay/Mosel
or via FIDO:
Juergen Schmitz, 2:245/5630.3
Juergen Schmitz, 39:172/401.2
via Z-Netz:
If you want to have a fast answer, just write via snail or via Fido,
and if you have FAX, tell me your number.....
That's enough for description. The programs are without any errors (I
hope), otherwise send me a details description of the failure (like
computer, RAM, OS,....). The most of the wrong handling will be caught
but of course even a master of the silliest combinations (I'm talking
about myself!) cannot attend all possibilities! ;-)
Have fun now, and may the Trashcan get more respekt now!
I like this program, it is running on my system now (30/06/93) for a
few weeks without any problems.
For a hardcopy from this description I would recommend 'SuperPrint',
because it is realy good (I have written it!). A '.sprint'-File is
added to the manual, so with SuperPrint3.0 a Table Of Contents is
printed automatically.
Sorry, exact history-report only in the german documentation!
Version Version Version Remark
Paket Handler Prefs
1.1 1.3b 1.3 First release
1.2 1.3b 1.3 Versionlist included to docu, bug in
Install-file (english)
1.3 1.4 1.3 .sprint file added to paket
Commodore Installer used
1.4 1.4 1.4 Prefs Version 1.4
1.5 1.5 1.5 Versions 1.5, new locale-files
1.6 1.6 1.5 Handler V1.6, new FIDO-Adress
1.7 1.6 1.6 Prefs V1.6
1.8 1.7 1.7 Versions 1.7, LOCALE-files improved
1.9 1.8 1.7 Handler Version 1.8
2.0 1.9 1.8 Handler V1.9, Prefs V1.8,
now with english doc-file
2.0 1.9 1.9 Prefs V1.9
2.1 2.0 2.0 Handler & Prefs V2.0
Known bugs:
Sometimes an '.info'-file will not be deleted, but I can't find any
regularity. That's not such a big problem, because it will be deleted
later, after the directory is scanned again. This bug only appears
only with a storationtime of zero days.
There are no known further bug at this time. In the releases before
1.5 the handler had had problems with some other programs, because the
compiler seizes to global values within the patch (special by the
Thanks to all the sysops who have tested the program and put it in
their boxes, specially Robert Britz. He made the OS-2.0-Test (I only
have OS3.0 ;-) I hope, his system had had no realy hard crashes...
Matthias Wege for the english translation of the original german
manual. Well done! ;-)